If you would like to buy a bigger amount, please ask for an individual offer!
Name of the service provider: EURO-MATIC Műanyagfeldolgozó Kft.
Address of the service provider: 1224 Budapest, Máriás utca 30
Registry number of the service provider: 01-09-194259
The court registering the Service Provider: Fővárosi Törvényszék Cégbírósága
VAT number of the provider: 25005758-2-43
Phone number of the provider: +36-1-787-6692
E-mail address of the provider: info@euro-matic.eu
Registration number of the activity that may be performed by the Service Provider: 3486/2020 / B
Authority registering the activity of the Service Provider: Budafok-Tétény Budapest XXII. Kerületi Önkormányzat Jegyzője
Hosting Services: Tárhely.Eu Szolgáltató Kft.
Address of the hoster: H-1144 Budapest, Ormánság u. 4.
E-mail of hoster: support@tarhely.eu