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1224 Budapest, Máriás str. 30 Phone: +36 1 787 6692 E-mail: info@euro-matic.eu | H-2045 Törökbálint, Raktárvárosi Road 1. (3/A building) Opening hours: On weekdays 7:30-14:30 E-mail: raktar@euro-matic.eu |
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Uwe Steinfeld GmbH Distributor of industrial, cover and playpen balls www.euro-matic.de E-mail: info@euro-matic.de Phone: +49 55 4293 290 | EURO-MATIC UK Distributor of industrial, cover and playpen balls www.euro-matic.co.uk E-mail: info@euro-matic.co.uk Phone: +44 330 311 0003 | RHINOPLAY Distributor of playpen balls and ball cleaning machine www.rhinoplay.com.au E-mail: info@rhinoplay.com.au Phone: +61 (02) 9517 358 | Gezer Endüstri Insaat San. ve Tic.A.S Distributor of industrial and cover balls www.gezerplastik.com.tr E-mail: info@gezerplastik.com.tr Phone: +90 262 677 06 77 |